
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I think it's going to be okay (TW)

Camp is....not how I expected to be. Everything was peachy keen up until yesterday and today was just downright awful.

It took a 30 minute phone call to ZS and some goldfish to get me calmed down, but I think it's going to be okay.

I spent my last lab extremely depressed. When I'm going through a HUGE, depressive low, it's sort of like the front of my head is weighed down (it makes sense to me). I really wanted to cut and started crying a bit and walked back to the dorms alone and started to deconstruct my razor.

My roommate came in and ZS called and that kind of made me feel better.

So I decided that it's okay if my camp experience doesn't meet all of my expectations. As long as I get something out of camp, it will be okay. There are plenty of novice who start sophomore year and do great. One of our lab leaders started policy junior year and is still a good debater in college.

Yeah it's all alright
I guess it's all alright
I got nothing left inside of my chest but it's all alright

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