
Friday, June 8, 2012

Boiling Point

My 13-year-old sister and I are fed up with my mother. Lately she's been pretty awful. She decided to adopt this really small, ugly dog because apparently nobody loves her (and a dog will fix that problem?). She's gotten worse and not actually doing anything around the house but claiming that she does everything and yelling at us. We can't get the little kids to help out at all so we'll get half the house clean ourselves but then have to listen to her bitch about how messy everything is and how horrible her life is since she works two jobs and comes home to a messy house and has ungrateful children. She then proceeds to do nothing about said messy house and yells at my sister and me even more, doing absolutely nothing to solve her messy house issue (If she really wanted a clean house she would make the little kids work some and make sure they listen to us without throwing temper tantrums).

And on top of that, she has flat-out refused to pay for debate camp so far (the deadline for payment is in 7 days!), despite the fact that she said she had the money and promised, at the beginning of the Spring, that she would get me to camp no matter what. Normally I wouldn't be mad at her for not paying (because it is expensive), but the other kids are going to camp for much longer and for a much higher price, and it's a bit unfair that I have to sit at home all summer. Not only that, she promised. Now she won't pay and is considering barring me from going because apparently I'm never around to clean up her mess and raise her children.

And apparently everything I do is a waste. Because apparently, "school activities" like Memory Project and Forensics aren't that important, because it's just time wasted. Why spend the time publishing a book when I could be at home, taking care of my siblings? Why go to camp for a week when I could be at home, cleaning out someone else's closet or training my mother's dog? And if my mother decides to be merciful and let me have any kind of social life, it's always, "Well, what do I get out of it?" What am I, some kind of investment? As if I weren't already working my ass off at home, any free time that I get has to be paid for with more household chores, despite the fact that what I'm doing (in this case, getting a ride to school to work on the Memory Project book all day) has no effect on her, at all whatsoever. I'm not even asking her to drive me anywhere, let alone do ANYTHING, but I still have to sacrifice something for her.

It's like everything I do has to be of some benefit to her, while she does nothing but constantly yell at everyone around her and wallow in self-pity.

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