
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I am not the Provider

I had $70 left over from camp and my mom has taken all of it. That money was supposed to pay for debate tournaments.

All of my birthday money? Gone. Got a few babysitting gigs and the money from those? Gone. Even the earliest Bat Mitzvah checks? Gone.

None of it has been paid back.

My money has been spent on gas, oil changes, rent, groceries, field trips for the little kids, dinner, and school supplies.

This has been going on for three years and I am beyond sick of it. I know it isn't entirely her fault but I am done. I have given up hundreds of dollars of my OWN money, much of it hard-earned, to provide for this family, and never once has anyone said thank you to me. Everyone is still just as awful as before and I'm doing a job that isn't mine. My parents need to be the ones providing for us and if they aren't, my savings shouldn't be suffering. When I was in fifth grade the savings account with over $500 of birthday money, money from doing odd jobs, and gifts from family members (specifically so i could have SOMETHING later on to pay for college or a car or whatever) was drained to pay the bills, as well as my college fund.

I'm tired of this. I'm done. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF PAYING BILLS I DO NOT OWE.

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